My Ex husband sucks ass!

Fuck right now I think I am going to use this spa gift card a member sent to me a while back. It is for like $100 so I can get a nice massage. I have wicked pms right now, omg. Why!??? I hate that! Anyways, I think I will vent some of my frustrations out right here and now! yeah yeah that’s the ticket.

So, I am going to tell you a story about a little boy that couldn’t stop jacking off. He jacked off so much that he would disappear for hours and nobody would hear a thing from him. He put a hole in his mattress so he could pretend to be fucking. Then, the worst possible thing happened. He BROKE it! Yeah! Can you believe it? He used it so much that he broke it, but he’s got some sort of condition which causes nerve issues….so I guess it is understandable. Sad though.
That was actually a true story about my ex husband before I met him. Still, even though I was constantly making him into a cuckold, wearing lingerie, entertaining his ideas about swinging where I had to “Take one for the team.”

One day he was telling me how ugly I was & I had just had enough, I started telling him I wanted a divorce. He would be looking at my pictures and saying evil shit to me about the way I looked. What a scaley faced limp dick prick. He has that fishy skin disorder, where his skin is like a snake almost on his legs….and they are totally skinny. I mean, I never made fun of him. If anything I boosted his stupid self esteem at every opportunity. But that wasn’t good enough for him.

He always wanted more. Once he said that I was trying to interfere with him getting his first “Asian” or his first “Black chic”….He wanted a sampler platter like you get from Applebees of pussy & expected me to help him in his endeavors. He started hooking me up with different guys, and to be honest I really liked them. I started fantasizing about running off with one of them & leaving him and his bullshit behind.

He was super controlling. Told me what to wear & how to have my hair. I think he is really like Bruce Jenner in a way…I think he needs to consider transgender surgery. I know he likes to look at other men’s cocks- so why not just do it. I mean he seems to know more about how a woman should be and act that an actual woman knows….or atleast he thinks so.

He said I would be defying him if I like changed my hair. It was like the beginning to that movie “Sleeping with the Enemy”….without the punching and shit. He hit me more with words than i’ve ever allowed in my life. In the beginning he was sweet, caring, family oriented. Then his true colors came out. He was an opportunistic prick with himself in mind and that was it. He sure didn’t care about his so called “Family”. His mom is a total bitch. I mean this lady is a money grubbing, saggy faced, loose pussy whore. I mean this woman tried to give me tips on make-up or what to wear to please him. How sick is that shit??

Karma is a bitch folks, i’m sure you are inventing some sort of stupid bullshit drama in your pathetic lives- karma doesn’t even need to occur. They are already fucked.

So, needless to say – when I met my sweetheart Justn it was a refreshing change. Plus, his cock was amazing & it never breaks…lmao. He encouraged me to be myself, to not let that cock sucker bring me down anymore. I still have flash backs of him saying, “Buck up” He would constantly say that shit to me.

Anyways, I need to get my contacts prescription done again. I am at my computer A LOT and I get all squinty in the face sometimes due to not being able to see perfectly. I wear my glasses, but they are more for distance….yikes. I went on this live platform deal today, it is super cool. Much better than like random strangers yelling at you and insulting your shit like Meerkat or that other one- starts with a P. lol.

OMG I can’t wait to tell you my next rant/story I have for when my ex did a flying leap and landed face first on the ground after using Viagra. OMG it is hilarious – serioiusly funny stuff.

I hope I get a sexy chic to do my massage tomorrow. mmmmm…love that sensual touch. I am a very down to earth woman that just enjoys being herself whatever that may be at the moment. I don’t really sit around trying to be like somebody else, not my deal. YOLO right?

I am having so much fun writing my little book lately, I have so many crazy stories, that when I tell them to my hubby he sometimes doesn’t believe me. Even though he has more stories than I do at times. We are very similar in that we are just ourselves and not perpetrating to be somebody else or act like we are all rich when we aren’t.

I still owe my ex money, yeah….truth be told it’s a tradgedy for sure. I had a crappy ass lawyer and was really emotionally fucked up during my divorce. It wasn’t because I was losing him, it was because I had been living a lie for so long- that when I woke up it was very difficult to cope. Well, that and the fact that I am crazy. lol. haha well, a little bit yeah. I had to be like super mom & handle shit, …Justn helped me as much as could, but I had to go through the paces myself and really figure out in my head who I really was,…am.

Nowadays I feel much stronger and more secure with my choices. Sure, I make stupid mistakes- I’ve done some silly things I wish I could take back for damn sure. I just have to accept that we all make mistakes in our personal lives and that you can’t keep score in a marriage.

I am getting close to being done redesigning I am super excited about it. 🙂
I found a few pictures I thought you might enjoy

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